Investigation of the Relationship Between the Nutritional Habits of Primary School Students and the Socio-Economic Status of Their Families

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  • Ishak Göçer Ankara üniversitesi
  • Muhammed Oniz Sports Health Sciences, Kayseri, Türkiye



Health, nutritional habits, pre-adolescent, socioeconomic status, student


Background: This study was conducted to determine the eating habits of pre-adolescent students living in various cities in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey, and to investigate the relationship between these eating habits and the socioeconomic status of their families.

Methods: This study used a survey method. 410 students between the ages of 9-14 residing in various cities in Central Anatolia participated in the study. To collect data for the study, the Attitudes Towards Healthy Eating Scale (ATHES), consisting of four sub-dimensions, was used to evaluate the families' socioeconomic data and measure the participants' attitudes toward healthy nutrition. Of the study participants, 51 % (n = 209) were girls and 49% (n=201) were boys. The data were analyzed using the SPSS (V26) statistical program.

Result: Socioeconomic status had a significant impact on children's eating habits. Children from families with low socioeconomic status have limited access to healthy and balanced foods. In addition, parents' nutritional knowledge levels and attitudes were found to have an impact on children's eating habits. Digital media exposure has also emerged as a factor that increases children's interest in unhealthy snacks.

Conclusions: As expected, this study revealed that there is no strong relationship between the nutritional habits of primary school students and the socioeconomic status of their families. Instead, it shows that some demographic factors such as the age and grade level of the students have more significant effects on their nutritional knowledge and attitudes. These findings emphasize that programs aimed at improving nutritional habits should consider broader factors, such as student age group and grade level, rather than solely focusing on socioeconomic factors. At the same time, it can be concluded that nutritional education is important for all students regardless of their economic status.


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How to Cite

Göçer, I., & Oniz, M. (2024). Investigation of the Relationship Between the Nutritional Habits of Primary School Students and the Socio-Economic Status of Their Families. Journal of Exercise Science & Physical Activity Reviews, 2(2), 55–68.



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