The Relationship Between Feeling Healthy Levels Sportive Activity and Nutritional Habits of Faculty of Sports Science Students

College students, physical inactivity, dietary habits , athlete nutrition, healthy dietAbstract
Background: The study aimed to examine the correlation between the perception of wellness related to physical activity and the dietary patterns of students enrolled in the Faculty of Sports Science.
Methods: A total of 451 students enrolled at Kirikkale Faculty of Sport Sciences (268 males and 183 females) voluntarily participated in the study. The data were collected by questionnaire method to determine the students' healthy feeling levels, sportive activity levels, and nutritional habits. After filling out the personal information form and collecting anthropometric data, the nutritional habits and food consumption frequency questionnaire form developed by Alpar in 2011 was applied to determine nutritional habits. The data obtained from our study were analyzed in the IBM SPSS 25.0 program.
Result: According to the analysis of the data obtained, it was seen that the majority of the students ate 2-3 meals, the most skipped meal was lunch, BMI values were collected in the normal range, the majority did sports activities 3–4 days a week, and their level of feeling healthy was at the "good" level.
Conclusions: As a result, it was concluded that students who participated in sportive activities and had regular eating habits felt healthier, and there was a relationship between sportive activity, eating habits, and feeling healthy.
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