Examination of Physical Activity Levels of Turkish Adults Living in Rural and Urban Areas

Physical activity, adults, smoking, rural and urban, BMIAbstract
Background: The aim of this study was to examine the physical activity levels of Turkish adults living in rural and urban areas.
Methods: In this study, a total of 376 volunteer adult individuals (195 males and 181 females) who were able to answer the questions constituted the population of the study. The short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used in the study. The SPSS IBM 25.0 program was used to analyze the data. The percentage and frequency distributions of the personal information of the adult individuals were calculated. The "Kolmogorov-Smirnov" test was applied to see whether the data had normal distribution values. Standard deviations and averages were taken. When the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were analyzed, it was found that the distribution of the data was within the normal distribution range, and a T-test was used to evaluate the data according to other variables in the study.
Result: As a result, it was found that there was a significant difference between the physical activity level of men and women; there was a significant difference between smokers and non-smokers; there was a significant difference according to BMI values; there was a difference between those living in rural and urban areas only in the severe physical activity level; but there was no difference in the total activity value.
Conclusions: It was concluded that adult men do more physical activity and are more active than adult women, non-smokers have higher physical activity levels than smokers, living in rural or urban areas has no effect on the level of physical activity, those with an overweight BMI have lower physical activity levels, and physical activity levels decrease with increasing weight. It is recommended that awareness of a healthy and quality life be raised in all individuals, especially in women, smokers, and overweight adults.
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