Health Belief Scale for Sportive Recreational Activities in University Students

Sportive recreational activity, health beliefs, physical activityAbstract
Background: The study aimed to measure and analyses university students' health beliefs regarding recreational sports activities, understand the relationships between their health perceptions, motivational factors, and active participation levels, and evaluate the effects of sports on health.
Methods: The study was quantitative and used a descriptive survey model. The total population of the study comprised 932 university students. Of these, 412 were male and 520 were female. Personal data on age, gender, reasons for participating in physical activity in their free time, socio-economic status, and the number of days they participate in physical activity per week were collected from university students. While analyzing the data of the study, the t-test was used for pairwise comparisons, and the Anova Tukey test was used for multiple comparisons within groups.
Result: When the data obtained from the research were examined, it was seen that there was a significant difference in the sub-dimensions of health beliefs related to sportive recreational activities in the variables of age, gender, and number of physical activity days per week, but there was no significant difference in the reasons for participating in physical activity in free time or socio-economic status variables.
Conclusions: As a result, it was concluded that there was a decrease in the sub-dimensions of health beliefs related to sportive recreational activities with increasing age; male students had higher health belief sub-dimensions than female students, and students with more weekly physical activity days had higher health belief sub-dimensions. It was concluded that the socio-economic dimension had no effect on the change in health beliefs and sub-dimensions.
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